This rough leather handbag is handcrafted to meet the standards of perfection and performance. This bag has a leather handle on top to coordinate it with any ensemble from office to casual wear. A removable and adjustable strap is attached to the bag to allow you convenient and safe carriage. You may wear this bag in style as a cross body bag to complement your fashion statement. It has a pouch style pocket that has a leather flap attached to it which can be buttoned for safe closure. 100% polyester lining makes it easy to clean and maintain.
If you are looking for a handbag that provides fashion with function then this rough black leather handbag is perfectly designed for you. It has ample parking space with an outer pocket for additional storage. You don’t have to compromise your comfort to look dazzling with this black leather handbag.
Buy the best leather handbag made up of genuine leather in affordable prices. Order now to avail:
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